To prepare highly qualified experts (specialists) and researchers for analytical and top-level management work in the public and private sectors who are able to create new knowledge in business and economics in the Latvian, European and global research area. The joint study programme envisages in-depth study of design and visionary thinking, multidisciplinary approach, ability to understand economic development, organizational governance and individual behaviour, research-based decision-making, and the development of resilience to purposefully pursue research and innovation in business and in the smart growth of the economy.
The study programme is implemented by a consortium of three universities: Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Ventspils University of Applied Sciences and Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences.
To view in depth descriptions of the courses for this study programme, see ViA Course Catalogue. For instructions, view its user guide.
*Please note that our course catalogue is currently being redeveloped so if you have any questions, please get in touch with our team.
PhD in Economics and Business
Until October 14, 2027
The joint study programme is licensed on February 5, 2020. License No. 04031-27
- application form;
- copy of the passport (presenting the original);
- copy of the document certifying the previous education (presenting the original);
- list of scientific publications and copies of the publications (if any);
- admission essay on the prospective doctoral thesis (at the level of problem formulation, not more than one A4 page);
- document certifying the proficiency in English*;
- CV (Europass format).
* a certificate or a document certifying the knowledge of the language issued by an international testing authority within the last five years, attesting to the knowledge of the language of the Programme implementation at least at B2 level. If the previous education has been obtained in English, the proof of the English knowledge is not required;
Will be specified.
Tuition fee:
EU, EEA, Swiss Confederation, other citizens - 4550 EUR (full programme cost EUR 13650)
Application fees:
Estonia, Lithuania, Georgia and Moldova - 50 eur
EU, EEA, Swiss Confederation, USA, Australia, Azerbaijan, Japan, Canada, Kazakhstan, Russia, Macedonia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Vietnam - 100
International applicants from other countries - 250 eur
Applicants from Ukraine are exempt from the Application fee
The application fee must be paid to one of the following bank accounts:
Vidzemes Augstskola
Cēsu street 4, Valmiera
Reg. number. LV90001342592
The bank: AS Swedbank
Bank code: HABALV22
Bank account number: LV78HABA0551027191593
The bank: AS Citadele banka
Bank code: PARXLV22 Konta
Bank account number: LV74PARX0006876240003
The bank: AS Luminor banka
Bank code: RIKOLV2X
Bank account number: LV90RIKO0002013197983
3 years
Applicants with a master's degree in social sciences or a corresponding field of professional activity are admitted **
**If the previous education has not been obtained in social sciences or a corresponding professional field, the applicant must certify the work experience/ non-formal education which corresponds to the knowledge, skills and competences specified in the Latvian Qualifications Framework level 7 in accordance with the procedures specified in Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 505 "Regulations on recognition of competences acquired outside formal education or in professional experience and learning outcomes achieved in previous education”.
Proposal on the prospective doctoral thesis (one A4 page) must be submitted in Latvian or English***
***at the level of problem formulation, not more than one A4 page.