Alumni data base

ViA graduate data base helps to find your university course mates and friends by different search criteria (Name, Surname, Location, Career), you can write this in the search tab "Search"
Data base is available to all ViA Graduates and you can access it sing your university e-mail and password.
If you can't remember your logins or the system doesn't recognise you as a graduat,e write to ViA IT department at [email protected] with your details and contact number.
Current events

Loyalty programme
Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences values all of its graduates, that's why we've created a loyalty programme for all graduates, providing various discounts from our partner organisations. The discounts are available with Alumni ID card.
ViA Alumni Networking:
We organise graduate networking events where they can meet other Aulmni members and current students and exchange ideas in an informal atmosphere. Follow our events page to find out when we're holding the next event.
Your participation

Follow ViA Alumni news on Facebook Alumni group.
Be active, share information that is important and interesting to other members and become one of the content creators for the group.
If you have experience, knowledge and ideas that you would want to share with others, ViA would love to welcome you. Get in touch by writing to [email protected].
In support of the best and most hard working students, we want to create a special graduate scholarship. If you want to participate, write to [email protected].
If a company you represent is looking for an intern or a new employee, ViA student could be exactly what they're looking for. Please get in touch with the study programme director to whom this may be relevant.