Computer Network Laboratory

In the computer Network Laboratory students can apply their theoretical knowledge in practice.
Students have the possibility to assemble and disassemble computers. It is possible to build a small network starting from the lowest level - pulling cables.
During the network installation, a student can use both local and global computer network technologies.
Students have the possibility to work with equipment from world-renowned hardware manufacturers, including Cisco and Mikrotik.
Students can build a complete network, and, before the completion of the work, test and certify the established network using hardware specifically designed for this purpose.
In the Computer Network Laboratory it is also possible to carry out research work related to various computer network technologies and computer network applications, and research requiring the particular hardware.
Nauris Metlāns
Head of Computer Network Laboratory
Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences
Socio-technical Systems Engineering Institute (SSII)
Tērbatas Street 10, Valmiera
E-mail: [email protected]
E-learning Management and Technology

The aim of the research direction "Information Technology" sub-field "E-learning Management and Technology" is to develop the architecture, engineering and technology, knowledge creation and transfer processes of e-learning solutions by using information and communication technology to create high quality e-learning solutions that are always available in real time, at any place at the individual, organizational and community levels.
The activities of the E-learning Laboratory up to now, and the potential areas of work:
• Functionality and extension of the e-learning system
• Adaptation of the e-learning environment, support for the system users
• WEB conference tool requirements and installation
• E-course preparation methodology
• Methodology of e-learning courses
• Preparation of digital training materials and technological support
• Technological solutions and the strategy for lifelong learning development
Sarma Cakula
Head of Media Laboratory: E-learning Management and Technology
Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences
Institute of Social, Economic and Humanities Research (HESPI)
Cēsu Street 4, Valmiera
E-mail: [email protected]
Spatial Research Laboratory

The aim of the Spatial Research Laboratory is to provide support for the research within the economic sectors using geospatial data, with an emphasis on the tourism industry.
The key tool used is the Geographic Information System (GIS) that is widely used to visualize various data and processes. The GIS include the storage, updating, analysis and visualization of geographic data and other thematic data (in the form of maps, charts, etc.).
The laboratory is equipped with the latest ARC GIS software, which enables the use of innovative methods of geospatial data processing and analysis for research purposes.
One of the main products of the Spatial Research Laboratory is a unique geospatial database of Latvian tourism and recreation sector, which is regularly updated. Its content forms the basis for interpreting the analytical results of big data and business intelligence solutions. The thematically selected large data is derived from a variety of sources, including specially purchased or derived from equipment or sensors at the disposal of partners or laboratories. The result is used for sustainable development planning, forecasting tourism events, making reasoned decisions, justifying project applications or demonstrating the effectiveness of public spending investment.
The laboratory offers devices for the time, space and behaviour measurements of tourist mobility and the flow of public event visitors, devices for measuring various linear flows of tourists and visitors, devices for the spatial measurements of a short-term local visitor flow. It is possible to use tablets and GPS devices in rural investigations and surveys.
The activities up to now, the potential areas of work, application:
• Social, economic and environmental impact of tourism and recreation manifestations
• Determining the effectiveness of tourism and marketing activities
• Measuring the time, space and behaviour of tourist mobility and the flow of public event visitors
• Development of strategic plans at the level of enterprise, site or destination development
• Identification of industry problem cases and finding solutions
• Measuring the socio-economic effects of tourism in specific regional areas
• Monitoring of visitor flows in specially protected nature areas
• Monitoring the sustainable development of tourism destinations in ~30 different thematic criteria
• Support for structured and thematically selected data
Andris Klepers, Dr.geogr.
Head of Spatial Research Laboratory
Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences
Institute of Social, Economic and Humanities Research (HESPI)
Cēsu Street 4, Valmiera, Room 107
E-mail: [email protected]
Virtual and Augmented Reality Laboratory

Development of interactive, three-dimensional (3D) scenarios focused on the use of virtual and augmented reality (VR/ AR) technologies.
Traditional input devices, such as a mouse and keyboard, are replaced by a three-dimensional manipulator, a data glove, a joystick, touchscreens, gestures, hand or head position tracking devices, and the like.
Traditional visual output devices are replaced by stereoscopic screens, CAVE systems, head displays or projection walls.
The latest VR/ AR system authoring platforms and CAD software are used in designing interactive and training systems.
An appropriate physical structure is prepared, and a strong emphasis is laid on the implementation of different scenarios in the learning process, which ensures the participation of users with various prior knowledge and different perceptions.
The simplest scenarios are based on the step-by-step training principle, while the test scenarios ensure that the acquired knowledge is assessed both during and after the learning process.
The main advantages of using such solutions are the acceleration of the learning process, a possibility to teach the use of expensive and dangerous equipment, a possibility to provide on-the-job training according to real job arrangements; besides that, such training process is interesting and interactive, opening the way to different experiments without damaging the real equipment and without endangering the health of the participant in the environment.
The activities of the VR/ AR Laboratory up to now and the potential areas of work, application:
• Industrial training. Scenarios of installation, dismantling, control and maintenance.
• Urban planning and architecture. Augmented reality solutions for outdoor and indoor use.
• Interactive study tools and equipment in medicine and anatomy.
• Visualization solutions in logistics, integrating RFID technologies and traceability of real-time objects.
• Tourism and history solutions. Virtual 3D tours, visualization of buildings in different periods of history, augmented reality solutions for travellers in 2D and 3D modes. Electronic preservation and prototyping of museum exhibits.
• Entertaining educational environments (gamification, edutainment, serious gaming, game based learning) for libraries, schools and pre-school educational institutions.
• Marketing and product demonstration. Virtual 3D objects in real space (exhibitions, on the street, etc.).
Arnis Cīrulis
Head of Virtual and Augmented Reality Laboratory
Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences
Sociotechnical Systems Engineering Institute (SSII)
Tērbatas Street 10, Valmiera
E-mail: [email protected]
Multimedia Laboratory

ViA Multimedia Laboratory is currently equipped with professional mobile TV studio and multimedia content editing equipment.
Filming in a 3-8 camera mode (in collaboration with ReTV) can be technically provided both in ViA studio and outside of it. The professional video equipment provides both content recording and live broadcasting on TV and/ or social portals in HD and higher quality.
The equipment is suitable for filming and editing various thematic programmes, as well as ensuring the qualitative broadcasting of conferences, concerts and other events. The equipment is also suitable for making documentary films and other large-format audiovisual content. The equipment can also be used for media training.
The equipment includes a full range of mobile studio equipment: cameras, a directing console, recording and editing equipment, microphones, communication devices, a remote wireless camera connection and studio prompter (equipment for viewing text in camera), a professional drone, studio and outdoor lights and other professional TV equipment units.
The Multimedia Laboratory in collaboration with Re:TV has already implemented a number of joint projects using the technical and professional resources of ViA, for example, the programme series "Vidzeme speaks openly", Saeima (the Parliament) debates - expert studio, etc.
In cooperation with the national television channel Re:TV and the regional TV “Vidzeme Television”, content is prepared and broadcast in Latvia and on multimedia platforms around the world.
The average audience of ReTV (per month) in Latvia is about 730,000 viewers.
Vidzeme Television distributes its content on ReTV and on the Internet, with the average audience of one TV programme being 30,000 viewers. A substantial part of the audience watches TV content on the Internet. In addition to the numbers mentioned, for example, ReTV has 13,000 followers on the social networking site Facebook, VTV ~ 7000 followers and even 700,000 consumers of information are often reached through this media channel per month.
This year ReTV-VTV team is preparing content also for LTV, and is going to start cooperation with LNT.
There will also be an equipped filming pavilion-studio available this year.
Iveta Auniņa
Head of Multimedia Laboratory
Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences
Institute of Social, Economic and Humanities Research (HESPI)
Cēsu Street 4, Valmiera
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile Technology Laboratory

The Mobile Technology Laboratory at Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences is a place where university and secondary school students and anyone else interested, by using the latest and most modern future technologies, can perform experiments and create useful, educational, entertaining online and offline solutions for schools, sports and active leisure enthusiasts, tourists, companies and municipalities, etc.
In the laboratory, anyone can use the eye-tracking technology to develop manipulable software solutions, obtain statistics and measurements of the application of motion characteristics, create environment and other objects’ relations in various action scenarios, and learn about the topicalities related to 5G and smart technology solutions.
Kaspars Osis
Head of Mobile Technology Laboratory
Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences
Tērbatas Street 10, Valmiera
E-mail: [email protected]
Mechatronics Laboratory

In the Mechatronics Training Laboratory there is a possibility to study the following topics related to the respective field:
- programming and application of programmable logic controllers (PLCs) in industrial process automation;
- process visualization and development of SCADA systems;
- learning the basics of electric machines;
- electric drive systems and drive automation;
- industrial robotic systems.
Alvis Sokolovs
Head of Mechatronics Laboratory
Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences
Tērbatas Street 10, Valmiera
E-mail: [email protected]
Electrical Engineering Laboratory

In the laboratory, students and course participants learn:
- basics of electrical engineering and understand the operation of electrical circuits;
- basics and elements of analogue and digital electronics;
- basics of power electronics;
- development and debugging of electrical circuits;
- electrical measurements;
- programming and application of microcontrollers in process control.
Alvis Sokolovs
Head of Electrical Engineering Laboratory
Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences
Tērbatas Street 10, Valmiera
E-mail: [email protected]