Modernisation of the STEM study environment of Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences

Sveta 2


Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences intends to implement the operational programme "Growth and Employment" from September 2017 until March 2020 8.1.1. Specific Aid Objective "To increase the modernised STEM, including the number of medical and creative industries, number of study programmes" project "Modernisation of the STEM study environment of Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences". The aim of the project is to modernise the STEM study programmes of Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences in accordance with the trends of external and internal factors in the world and in Latvia.

The main planned activities to achieve the purpose of the project:

1. purchase of equipment, hardware, furniture, computers, technology, software, materials and tools for:

1.1. modernisation and development of existing and new laboratories;

1.2. modernisation of computer classrooms and development of virtualisation;

1.3. professional STEM study program realisation;

2. the development of wireless internet;

3. replenishment of library funds;

4. project management and implementation;

5. information and publicity measures.


The project intends to invest in the development and modernisation of the material and technical base of Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences by contributing to the development of the Faculty of Engineering and the University as a whole, offering students the advanced STEM study environment and expanding the study opportunities in the field of STEM offered by the university. Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences implements six study programmes in the field of STEM. College level programmes "Information technologies", "Mechatronics" and "Wooden house and eco-building", bachelor study programmes "Information technologies" and Master's and doctoral study programmes "Sociotechnical systems modelling".

The project will result in the modernisation of seven laboratories (Virtual and augmented reality, Mechatronics, Electronics, Computer networking, Mobile technologies, Radio frequency identification and Energy efficiency laboratories) and the creation of two new laboratories (Data security and Construction laboratory), as well as substantial investments in virtualisation development and computer classroom modernisation will be made.

The planned activities of the project will improve the competitiveness of Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences and increase the number of students in the STEM study programmes that are in line with the demands of the labour market, thus contributing to the employment of graduates studying in STEM study programmes, as well as developing and applying new knowledge and skills to solve the challenges and problems of the today's knowledge society at a national and international level.

The total cost of the project is 563 345 EUR, of which  84 501.75 EUR is the state budget and 478 843.25 EUR is the European Regional Development Fund.