Neves Madeira, R., Albequerque Santos, P., Java, O., Priebe, T., Graça, E., Sárközi, E., Asprion, B., Pinto-Bello Gómez, R. (2022). Towards Digital Twins for Multi-Sensor Land and Plant Monitoring
Procedia Computer Science, 210, 45-52, DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2022.10.118
Link to the article available here.
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Norkusm Z., Markevičiūtėm J., Grytten, O., Šiliņš, J., Klimantas, A. (2022). Benchmarking Latvia’s economy: a new estimate of gross domestic product in the 1930s
Cliometrica, DOI: 10.1007/s11698-022-00260-x
Link to the article available here.
Publication indexed in SCOPUS and Web of Science database.
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Mežgaile, A., Līviņa, A., Gavinolla, M.R., Druva-Druvaskalne, I. (2022). Impact of cultural ecosystem services on livelihoods in the North Vidzeme biosphere reserve, Latvia
Management of Tourism Ecosystem Services in a Post Pandemic Context: Global Perspectives, 92-113, DOI: 10.4324/b23145-9
Publication indexed in SCOPUS database.
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Bikše, J., Gavinolla, M.R. (2022). Tourism and restoration of spring ecosystem services
Management of Tourism Ecosystem Services in a Post Pandemic Context: Global Perspectives, 339-361, DOI: 10.4324/b23145-26
Link to the article available here.
Publication indexed in SCOPUS database.
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Java, O., Asprion, B., Priebe, T., Sarkozi, E., Madeira, R.N. (2022). Application of Digital Technology in Agriculture: Potential Support for Winegrowers
8th TAE 2022, 20 - 23 September 2022, Prague, Czech Republic
Link to the open-aces article available here.
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Prodani, R., Çobani, S., Andersons, A., Bushati, J. (2022). Digital technologies integration in the classroom. A teacher's perspective
Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 17(8), 2823-2837, DOI: 10.18844/cjes.v17i8.7781
Link to the article available here.
Publication indexed in SCOPUS database.
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Grytten, O., Norkus, Z., Markevičiūtė, J., Šiliņš, J. (2022). Can the economic growth of interwar Latvia be estimated by contemporary national accounts?
Baltic Journal of Economics, 22(2), 90-109, DOI: 10.1080/1406099X.2022.2097370
Link to the article available here.
Publication indexed in SCOPUS and Web of Science database.
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Norkus, Z., Jasilions, D., Grytten, O.H., Mežs, I., Mlesment, M. (2022). Mortality transition in the interwar Baltic states: findings from cross-country comparison of new life tables
Scandinavian Economic History Review, DOI: 10.1080/03585522.2022.2106301
Link to the article available here.
Publication indexed in SCOPUS and Web of Science database.
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Leščevica, M., Gusta, Z. (2022). Well-being at work: a literature review on the complex framework
12th International Scientific Conference BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT 2022 May 12–13, 2022, Vilnius, Lithuania, 839-844, DOI: 10.3846/bm.2022.843
Link to the article available here.
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Zvirbule, A., Grīnberga-Zālīte, G., Mietule, I., Pelše, M., Leščevica, M. (2022). Education and Digital Competence
The Strength of Latvia for the Long-term Development, Latvian Academy of Science, ISBN 978-9984-48-394-8, pp. 305-327
Link to the article available here.
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Matisāne, L., Paegle, L., Vanadziņš, I., Rozentāle, S., Grīntāle, I., Mietule, I., Lonska, J., (2022). Transition to the forced telework - a challenge for trade unions identified by the study on working life with COVID-19 in Latvia
Work, 71(3), 527-537, DOI: 10.3233/WOR-211042
Link to the article available here.
Publication indexed in SCOPUS and Web of Science database.
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Gavinolla, M.R., Līviņa, A., Hagan, E. (2022). Wildlife Tourism Research in Africa: A Bibliometric Analysis
De Gruyter Studies in Tourism, 7, 79-98, DOI: 10.1515/9783110702491-006
Publication indexed in SCOPUS database.
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Azbeg., K., Boudhane, M., Ouchetto, O., Jai Andaloussi, S. (2022). Diabetes emergency cases identification based on a statistical predictive model
Journal of Big Data, 9, DOI: 10.1186/s40537-022-00582-7
Link to the article available here.
Publication indexed in SCOPUS and Web of Science database.
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Šiliņš, J (2022). Aivars Stranga. Latvijas un Padomju Krievijas miera līgums 1920. gada 11. augustā: Latvijas–Padomju Krievijas (PSRS) attiecības 1919.–1925. gadā. Rīga: Mansards, 2020. 445 lpp. ISBN 9789934122408
Journal of the Institute of Latvian History, 115, 181-188, DOI: 10.22364/lviz.115.11
Link to the article available here.
Publication indexed in SCOPUS database.
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Zaumane, I., Leščevica, M. (2022). Internal communication management: Practices in contemporary businesses
Strategic Direction, 38(3), 4-6, DOI: 10.1108/SD-12-2021-0165
Publication indexed in SCOPUS database.
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Java, O. (2021). The Information Search Habits Investigated by an Eye Tracking Technique: How to Manage the Documentary Heritage of the National Library of Latvia.
Joirnal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, 23(2), 62-76, DOI: 10.2478/jtes-2021-0017
Link to the open-aces article available here.
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Zaumane, I., Leščevica, M. (2021). Functional responsibility for internal communication management and its integration in contemporary businesses
International Journal of Organizational Analysis, DOI: 10.1108/IJOA-06-2021-2822
Link to the article available here.
Publication indexed in SCOPUS and Web of Science database.
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Kalnačs, J. (2021). Destiny of the Private Art Collections in Post-war Soviet Latvia: Collections of Professor Pēteris Sniķers and Artist Jēkabs Strazdiņš
Akims ir sielai. (Meno kolekcionavimo praktikas ir istorinai kontekstai). Mokslo straipsnių rinkinys, Vilnius: Lietuvos nacionalinis muziejus. 86-92, ISBN 978–609–478–057–8
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Dāvidsone, A., Seppel, K., Telyčėnaitė, A., Matkevičienė, R., Uibu, A., Silkāne, V., Jurāne-Brēmane, A., Allaje, Õ. (2021). Exploring Students’ Perception on Acquisition of Transversal Skills During an Online Social Simulation
Human, Technologies and Quality of Education, 2021 = Cilvēks, tehnoloģijas un izglītības kvalitāte, 2021, 727-738, DOI: 10.22364/htqe.2021.57
Link to the open-aces article available here.
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Cunska, A. (2021). Taxonomy of Technology-based Support for Accelerated Learning of School Math
Proceedings of ICERI2021, 3647-3656
Link to the open-aces article available here.
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