Strengthening of information systems: Web application Penetration
Testing; Reverse Engineering; Mobile and Cloud Computing Security;
Digital Forensics; Intrusion Detection and Prevention; Security Incident
Management; Information System Security Engineering; Applied
Cryptography; Fundamentals of Computing for Security Professionals; IT
security, administration and protection.
Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Project Management Methods and
Tools; Innovation and Creative Problem Solving; Strategic IT Management;
Cyber Security Requirements Engineering.
Collaboration in the digital age: Introduction to Propaganda and Persuasive
Communication; Information Collection Techniques; Internet psychology.
Legal and ethical aspects: Obligations, Responsibilities and Rights in the
Internet; Protection and investigation of personal data.
Cyber security management: Cyber security Policy; Information System
Audit and Security; Information Security Risk Management; Security Culture.
Research: Latvian language; Python for Security Testers; Analysis of
social media; Argumentation and critical thinking; New trends in open
data management and GIS; Data Mining.
Internship, Master’s thesis.